Sydney Lenox is an Australian American fashion designer based in the Midwest. As a designer, Sydney focuses on sustainability and slow-fashion practices through the exploration of natural dyeing and secondhand fabric sourcing. Sydney takes inspiration from historical fashion—with a special focus on corsetry— to create whimsical garments that exude a sense of fantasy.

After studying at the Fashion Institute of Technology in NYC and receiving a degree in Fashion Business Management, Sydney graduated with a Bachelor of Science from Kansas State University in Apparel and Textile: Production and Design. During her studies at K-State, Sydney had the opportunity to learn traditional backstrap weaving and natural dyeing from Mayan artisans in Guatemala. Following her studies, Sydney earned a Master's of Art in Teaching and currently works as an art teacher as she continues her studies in art therapy.

In her recent art practice, Sydney is focused on developing corset designs and modifications while exploring natural dye techniques and practices. Throughout the year, Sydney manages a small 'dye garden' for harvesting flowers and herbs for textile dyeing.
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